
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Internet(HTTP)
  • DevelopTools
  • WritingNorms


  1. JavaScript
  2. HTML & CSS
  3. CSS预处理器
  4. 响应式设计
  5. JS框架
  6. 设计模式
  7. Git
  8. NodeJS
  9. 自动化构建工具

MDN Web-Docs

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • HTTP
  • Browser Extensions
  • MathML
  • Accessibility
  • Game Developing

Web Platform(2015年就没更新了)


组织 W3C WHATWG ECMA Khronos

最佳实践 Cross-browser compatibility Responsive web design Performance Accessibility Internationalization Privacy & Security


  1. 态度

    there are two main ways in which your brain learns things — focused and diffuse learning

    But then after going on a walk to get some fresh air, you may well find that as your mind wanders, you suddenly make a connection between tool A and tool B, and realize that you can use them together to fix problem C! It isn't always this simple, but it is also surprising how many times this does happen. This also highlights the importance of taking regular breaks when you are studying in front of the computer.

    learning web development is more about problem-solving and learning patterns than it is about learning lots of syntaxes.

  2. 视频学习

    Mozilla Layout Land MozillaDeveloper Google ChromeDevelopers

  3. 在线Example练习地址

    jsRun Glitch JS Bin CodePen plunker Gist codeacademy

  4. 做计划

    all realistic and achievable 达到某个计划所需要的一切条件(时间、金钱、材料等都要考虑) Keep tinkering with code and getting more practice. If you run out of problems to solve, look up some tests online, do some more courses, or ask your friends and family (or local school or church) if there is anything they'd like you to build for them.

  1. PS
  2. 浏览器
  3. HTML
  4. CSS
  5. JS
  6. CSS框架/扩展
  7. JS库/框架/扩展
  8. 构建工具
  9. 开发工具
  10. Node


  1. 基础:词法、语法
  2. 固定套路组合:小技巧、设计模式
  3. 模块组件:小的常用模块
  4. 库、框架
  5. 工程化:模块化
  6. 管理:解决问题



  • 设计
  • 需求(Axure)
  • UI界面(ps, 资源)

  • 前端架构搭建

    • 技术选型
    • CD/CI
    • 热重载
  • 服务端架构搭建(包括构建数据库)

    • 技术选型
    • CD/CI
    • 热重载
  • 前后端联调

  • 测试(一般部三套环境,最少两套)

    1. 本地(local)
    2. 测试环境(dev)
    3. 正式环境(prod)

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